Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ushuaia unwind

A quick ¨later"...

At the risk of this turning into a real blog (ie self-important ramblings to take the place of actual conversations with those I care about), an afternoon of reading Three Cups of Tea and a wander on the waterfront have done a world of good. There´s something about the ocean that brings calmness: perhaps the finiteness of land. Like a peak, which, when reached, denotes a concrete end to effort, the ocean is an undeniable boundary, unlike rivers or ranges that merge into others to draw you ever onward. Tierra del Fuego (if not Ushuaia itself) is indeed an end of the earth.

Speaking of which, Erratic Rock is a local company which runs expeditionary trips to the southernmost tip of South America, not a drive-to-it destination like that of Africa or Australia. Check it out... Which got me thinking - Point Barrow in AK is slightly lower in latitude than Murchison Promontory in Canada, and it turns out a place called Cape Chelyuskin in Russia is the northernmost point in Asia. It´s a 5-day trip here to the southern land´s end - wonder what adventures would be involved in getting to the north? Think about that til I get back...

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